I'm Okay, You're Not - Pt. 1 "Conversations"
Sermon Tone Analysis
- Problem: Great divide in relationships between the "normie" (unbeliever) and "Christian". Both sides claim, "they don't understand us."
- As a whole our 1-1 evangelism has not been effective - why? We portray a message that is being misunderstood.
- That message is: "I'm okay, you're not." While this may be the truth our lack of communicating properly is causing a mass exodus from the faith.
- A primary failing point has been in our conversations.
- In our societal context we have to have something in common in order to have deep and meaningful conversations - to get passed "how are the kids?" and "how's the weather?"
- Bur for some reason even in the most binding of circumstances a normie and a Christian would struggle for a good conversation.
Illustration Skit about a normie and a Christian about to be executed in a foreign land.
- So the end result of our conversations is ...
- we avoid conversations at all cost
- we avoid confrontation
- we avoid wrong appearances
- This gives the impression that "I'm Okay, You're not" It's time that changed.
- We must learn how to have effective conversations if we are to bring people to the foot of the cross.
Jn 4:1-4
δει "Needed". cf act 5:29. "we must obey God not man"
- we need to have good conversations with normies. We neet to build bridges, not foster the great divide.
- In order to have good conversations we must follow Jesus example:
Overcome Social Barriers
John 4:5-9
- In the geography of the land there were three routes from Judea to Galilee
- Along the Mediterranian coastline
- Across the Jordan and up through Perea
- Through Samaria (not a preferred method because of the animosity between Samaritans and Jews)
- Rudyard Kipling said, "East is East and West is West and never the two shall meet"
- We must be in the position to invade into cultures that we may be uncomfortable with.
- Look how Jesus detroyed social barriers. In Jn. 3 He visits with Nicademus. In Jn 4 it's with the Samaritan woman. Jesus invades peoples space.
Avoid Religious Debate
- Oftentimes when we do have a conversation with a normie and the subject of religion comes up it immediately turns into a debate.
- This is reflected in my own conversations when they become "ask the pastor".
- People get hung up on some pretty insignificant details.
- History says this...Science says this... Well, history is witten by the victor and science can't make up it's mind whether Pluto is a planet or not. Can you trust that?
- Normies tend to want to draw you into religious debate Jn 4:12
- You don't have to have all the answers
- Jesus avoids her questions but points to the deeper issues at hand. jn 4:13-14
Let The Holy Spirit Do The Convicting
- Jesus shows us something very important...
- When you say someone is guilty of sin you have condemned them. That's not our job. But rather, we lovingly point things out and let the Holy Spirit do some convicting. That's the only way to enact true change in a person. Jn 4:16-18
Trust God For The Result
Jn 4:21-26
- You are only a herald, a messenger.
- It's not up to you whether a person is saved, it's up to God. But without your willingness to be God's messenger the divide just gets bigger.
- Our conversations are the door to showing someone the love of Christ. We can either patiently be asked in, or we can try to barge our way in, ensuring the door will be slammed shut.
- We must learn to be a little uncomfortable to further God's Kingdom.